New Classic Electra!

We are peaking!
Just released to our
dealers as well, this kit
is a very sweet deal
we've been working on!
We can now offer a
stunning "Classic"
model of the Electra.
This is a version of the
Contest bike we displayed in the RE Community Newsletter. I think
it will solve whatever issues some customers have with the Electra's
more contemporary 1970’s styling. Successful in Europe, it effectively
teams the great mechanics of the Electra with the ambience of
the Classic Enfields.

The Classic Electra is our stock Electra modified to include a new and
handsome tank in either Green and Chrome or Black and Chrome,
paired with a deeper-valenced and wider 350-style chrome front
fender that's very popular with classic bike enthusiasts.
First come, first serve, the first Classic Electras will be available in
about 2 weeks and only in limited quantities at this time from a
Royal Enfield dealer, so you need to contact the dealer closest
to you to get your hands on one. There is no guarantee on quantity
and availability once the dealers start claiming them for their client